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Retroactive Swearing

Retroactive Swearing, a silly podcast by Maxwell Black and Silvano D'Agostino

S02E02: Outrageous People Across All Nations Unite

Silvano D'Agostino

Our funniest episode yet. We can't wait to see what you do with it.

  • Close Your Eyes, Take Your Eyelashes, and Pull
  • Looking in the Mirror and Trying to Make Yourself Smile in a Natural Way
  • Albert Einstein!
  • You Also Were Advocating for Sharia Law in High School?
  • Down Syndrome in Iceland
  • There Was a Time When People Would Dress Like Billboards
  • Signaling Theory
  • Behavioral Sink
  • They Do Bitcoin
  • “Shit On Me”
  • I Used to Whistle a Little Bit in Wisconsin
  • The Winston Churchill of the Holocaust
  • You’re Not Doing Bitcoin, Bitcoin’s Doing You
  • We Don’t Need to Be Thinking About Death All The Time, But…
  • There’s No cmd+z For Society
  • Let’s Say You Ejaculate Into Horse Dung
  • Sterile Joe
  • I’ve Never Tasted Urine
  • I Love My Thic Curvy ATP
  • Holding on to the Very Few Things We Still Have That Make Us Human
  • You Wanna See My Hologram?
  • The Tim Ferris of Music